GENET Related Work

Work Related to GENET

Following are some of the work related to GENET and GLS which are known to me.

  1. De Backer, B. et al, Solving vehicle routing problems using constraint programming and metaheuristics, Technical Report, GreenTrip Project,, 1997
  2. Bouju, A., Boyce, J.F., Dimitropoulos, C.H.D., vom Scheidt, G. & Taylor, J.G., Intelligent search for the radio link frequency assignment problem, Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Cyprus 1995
  3. Boyce, J.F., Dimitropoulos, C.H.D., vom Scheidt, G. & Taylor, J.G., GENET and tabu search for combinatorial optimization problems, World Congress on Neural Networks, Washighton D.C., 1995
  4. Choi, K.M.F., Lee, J.H.M. & Stuckey, P.J., A Lagrangian Resconstruction of GENET, Artificial Intelligence,Vol.123, No.1-2, 2000, 1-39
  5. Congram, R., Potts, C.N., & van de Velde, S.L., Dynasearch Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem, Travelling Salesman Problem Workshop, University of Southampton, 22 September, 1999 {TSP application which extends the GLS idea}
  6. Kilby, P., Prosser, P. & Shaw, P., Guided local search for the vehicle routing problem, Proc., 2nd International Conference on Mataheuristics - MIC97, Sophia-Antipolis, France, July 1997, 21-24
  7. Kilby, P., Prosser, P., and Shaw, P., Guided local search for the vehicle routing problem with time windows, in Voss, S., Martello, S., Osman, I.H., and Roucairol, C. (eds.), Meta-Heuristics: Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, 473-486 {GLS applied to Vehicle Routing}
  8. Kilby, P., Prosser, P., and Shaw, P., A comparison of traditional and constraint-based heuristic methods on vehicle routing problems with side constraints, Constriaints, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol.5, No.4, 2000, 389-414
  9. Lee, J.H.M. & Tam, V. , Towards the integration of artificial neural networks and constraint logic programming, Sixth IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, New Orleans, USA, November, 1994
  10. Lee, J.H.M., Leung, H.F. & Won, H.W., Extending GENET for non-binary CSP's, Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 1995, 338-342
  11. Lee, J.H.M., Leung, H.F. & Won, H.W., Towards a more efficient stochastic constraint solver, Proceedings, Second International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, August, 1996
  12. Lee, J.H.M., Leung, H.F., Stuckey, P., Tam, V. & Won, H.W., Using stochastic methods to guide search in CLP: a preliminary report, Asian Computing Science Conference (ASIAN'96), Singapore, December 1996, 43-52
  13. Holstein, D. & Moscato, P. Memetic algorithms using guided local search, a case study Chapter Fifteen, in Corn, D., Doriga, M. & Glover, F. (ed.), New ideas in optimization, Advanced Topics in Computer Science Series, McGraw Hill, 1999, 235-243
  14. Stuckey, P. & Tam, V., Models for using stochastic solvers in constraint logic programming, Proc., Eight Symposium on Programming Languages, Implementation, Logics and Programs (PLILP'96) Aachen, Germany, September, 1996, 423-437
  15. Stuckey, P. & Tam, V., Extending E-GENET with Lazy constraint consistency, IEEE Nineth International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'97), 1997
  16. Stuckey, P. & Tam, V., Semantics for using stochastic constraint solvers in constraint logic programming, Journal of Functional and Logic Programming, to appear
  17. Stuckey, P. & Tam, V., Extending GENET with lazy arc consistency, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, to appear
  18. Tam, V. & Stuckey, P., An efficient heuristic-based evolutionary algorithm for solving constraint satisfaction problems, Proc., 3rd IEEE Symposium on Intelligence in Neural and Biological Systems (INBS), Washington DC, May, 1998
  19. vom Scheidt, G., Extension of GENET to n-ary partial constraint satisfaction problems and constraint satisfaction optimisation problems, MSc Dissertation, King's College, London, August, 1995
  20. Padron, V., Balaguer, C., New Methodology to solve the RPP by means of Isolated Edge, in Tuson, A. (ed.), Young OR 11. Cambridge, March 2000 {GLS applied to TSP}
  21. Curtis, S.D., Constraint Satisfaction Approaches to Bus Driver Scheduling, PhD Thesis, University of Leeds, submitted March 2000

    Authors: Please inform me of any other papers that should go into this page. Besides, please let me know your Web sites and whether your papers are available electronically. I would like to link to you.

    maintained by: Edward Tsang, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex
    Last update: 21 July 1997, partially updated 18 April 2000