Syllabus and Lecture Notes
CF963: Learning and Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance

Scope: (Not all the following material will be covered every year)

    Part I Fundamentals

  1. What is Computational Finance and Economics (video / Introductive slides 1 / slides 2 / Bracil Homepage)
  2. New Ways to Study Economics (slides / market science paper / Olsen's Insight)
  3. Combinatorial Explosion -- Limitations of Computation (slides / computation paper / Lab1)
  4. Bounded Rationality -- Economics Foundation (slides / rationality paper / web)
  5. Machine Learning Basics (slides / spreadsheet / web / background: Mitchell's book)

    Part II Applications

  6. Forecasting (slides / overview paper / EDDIE paper / web)
    Material by Dr Kampouridis: EDDIE demo / ppt
  7. Learning Scarce Opportunities (EDDIE-ARB slides / Repository Method slides / Repository Method paper / Arbitrage paper)
  8. Directional Changes (including algorithmic trading) (DC Definitions / DC Slides / Demo / Video)
  9. Event Calculus (Event Calculus Slides / event calculus paper)
    Powerpoints by Ao Han: 2 / 3
  10. Portfolio Optimization (slides by Tsang) (paper by Dr Alentorn / slides / pdf) (Optimization in finance and economics) (background: Maringer's book)
  11. Modelling, Simulation and machine learning (slides / Web)
  12. Automated Bargaining (overview slides / GP-bargain slides / paper / web)
  13. Economic Wind-tunnels (slides / Cards paper / Artificial Market paper / web)

    Part III Technology

  14. Search methods overview (slides / texts books in AI )
  15. Evolutionary Computation (slides / background: Brabazon & O'Neill's book)
  16. Constraint Satisfaction (slides / web / Module / background: Tsang's book)
  17. Heuristic Search (background: Handbook of Metaheuristics)
  18. Neural Network (background: Bishop's book)

Background painting: Wivenhoe Park by John Constable
Page maintained by Edward Tsang; Last updated: 2016.12.16